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Even if you care about a cause, how can you ensure you’re a good fit for the position? Here are some ideas to help you find the right fit for volunteering.

Black History Month is a time to remember, celebrate and commemorate the achievements and contributions by African-American men and women throughout U.S. history.

It’s true: with a lack of Vitamin D and little time spent outdoors, the winter months can literally make you sad. Luckily, we have some ways to combat seasonal depression.

How can we as individuals commemorate Dr. King’s life, and further continue his legacy? Here are some ideas to get started and celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

If you want to be sure your New Year’s resolutions really stick for 2025, check out these useful tips on how to keep the habit hopeful.

What’s the best way to show thankfulness? By giving back to others. This Thanksgiving, remember the reason for the season by showing thanks through giving.

Gratefulness is not something which comes naturally; it needs practice. If you want to live an altruistic life and practice thankfulness this month, check out these easy steps you can take.

If you’re interested in living a more altruistic lifestyle and helping those in need this Halloween, check out these five spooky ways you can give back.

Since the weather is cooling down, you can add a little sunshine and warmth to a stranger with these simple ideas.

October Mailchimp in Spanish

Whether you have a little or a lot of free time, there’s no better way to spend it than by getting out there and making a difference.

In the hustle and bustle of life, it's all too easy to put our health on the back burner. Check out these 10 tips below for small changes you can make today that can have a big impact on your health for years to come.

Autumn’s beautiful weather and fun holidays make it easy to find volunteering opportunities in your area. We’ve come up with a few ideas to get you started.

Have you been thinking about expanding your family to add a new furry friend? Look no further than your nearest animal shelter.

If you’re not a frequent reader, you might be missing out on some important perks.

If you have something or some time to give, consider doing so today. Here’s a list of easy ways you can give something away today.

Farmers markets have so much more to offer than just the sights and smells. The following is a list of just a few reasons you should visit your local farmers market this summer.

If you’re looking for a way to get outside while also improving your whole self, gardening may be the hobby for you.

You know volunteering has a positive influence (make friends, build connections, gain experiences, etc.), but did you know that it can actually assist your health?

With the help of a bicycle, we can take better care of the environment, our physical bodies and even spend time together. So how can you mark this momentous occasion?

Memorial Day means much more than time off from work and hosting a barbecue, so if you want to get involved this weekend, check out these great ways to give back.